
Physical Therapy Services Offered

Therapeutic exercise:  Our clinicians are highly skilled and experienced in designing and implementing an exercise program that the patient can comfortably and safely perform without having to worry if the activity is right for them.myofascial tissue massage

Manual and soft tissue mobilization:  We specialize in providing an appropriate mobilization program by clinicians who are expertly trained with multiple certifications.  Our certifications include Augmented soft tissue mobilization (Astym), Dry Needling (CIDN), Myofascial Release techniques, cupping,  and massage therapy.

Modalities:  We often utilize traditional methods that include cryovasopnematic devices, heat therapy, electrical stimulation, ultrasonic treatment,  percussive therapy,  spinal traction, kinesiotaping and orthotic intervention.

Balance and Vestibular training:  We offer comprehensive evaluation of your balance centers and develop a plan to improve your overall ability to maintain your upright position longer.  This may involve vestibular training, balance strategy training, vision checks, object negotiation, and risk mitigation.  We also incorporate postural and core strengthening into or balance training.

Running Training:  We work with competitive and recreational runners to improve their overall  efficiency and minimize their risk of injury.  We have over 20 years  experience working with and treating the injured runner.

Industrial Rehab:  We partner with local businesses to assess and improve their worker capabilities which minimizes the risk for both the employer and employee.  Our services include ergonomic and risk assessment, lifting evaluations, lifting training, liability management, and services to improve employee fitness and function.kinesiotaped knee

Wellness Services:  Fee for  services are offered to the public with no prescription required.  They include manual soft tissue mobilization, Augmented soft tissue mobilization (Astym), percussive treatment, cupping, kinesiotaping, myofascial release and massage.

Consultation:  We offer a free consultation to the public to see if you have a condition that may benefit from physical therapy intervention.  Call our office to schedule your appointment today.